
Select Publications - Michael Lesser

“The construction and commissioning of the SDSS-V/Local Volume Mapper Instrument”, Konidaris, Nicholas P.  et al, Proc. SPIE 13096-71, 2024,

“Novel 8-inch wafer scale process for low cost production of back side illuminated (BSI) imaging sensors,” Atul Joshi, David J. Chiaverini, Sachin Kashyap, Vishwanath Madhugiri, Robert Patti, Sangki Hong, Michael Lesser, Proc. SPIE 11723, Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications VIII, 1172308 (12 April 2021);

“SDSS-V local volume mapper instrument: overview and status,” Nicholas P. Konidaris, et al, Proc. SPIE 11447, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII, 1144718 (13 December 2020);

“Overview of the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys”, Dey et al., AJ, 157(5), (2019)

“The WIYN One Degree Imager in 2018: An Extended 30-Detector Focal Plane”, Daniel R. Harbeck, Mike Lesser, Wilson Liu, Bob Stupak, Ron George, Ron Harris, Gary Poczulp, Jayadev Rajagopal, Ralf Kotulla, David Ouellette, Eric J. Hooper, Michael Smith, Dustin Mason, Peter Onaka, Greg Chin, Emily Hunting, Robert Christensen,, Proc. SPIE 10702 (2018)

“Results from STA/ITL fully depleted CCDs for LSST”, Lesser, M.; Ouellette, D., Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 12, Issue 03, pp. C03080 (2017)

“The DESI Experiment Part II: Instrument Design”, A. Aghamousaet et al,, (2016)

“The DESI Experiment Part I: Science, Targeting, and Survey Design”, A. Aghamousaet et al,, (2016)

“A Summary of Charge-Coupled Devices for Astronomy”, Michael Lesser, PASP 127, 1097-1104 (2015)

PEPSI: The high-resolution echelle spectrograph and polarimeter for the Large Binocular Telescope”, K.G. Strassmeier, I. Ilyin, A. Järvinen, M. Weber, M. Woche, S.I. Barnes, S.-M. Bauer, E. Beckert, W. Bittner, R. Bredthauer, T.A. Carroll, C. Denker, F. Dionies, I. DiVarano, D. Döscher, T. Fechner, D. Feuerstein, T. Granzer, T. Hahn, G. Harnisch, A. Hofmann, M. Lesser, J. Paschke, S. Pankratow, V. Plank, D. Plüschke, E. Popow, D. Sablowski, J. Storm, AN 336, 4, 324-362 (2015)

“The WIYN one degree imager 2014: performance of the partially populated focal plane and instrument upgrade path”, Daniel R. Harbeck; Todd Boroson; Michael Lesser; Jayadev Rajagopal; Andrey Yeatts; Charles Corson; Wilson Liu; Ian Dell'Antonio; Ralf Kotulla; David Ouellette; Eric Hooper; Mike Smith; Richard Bredthauer; Pierre Martin; Gary Muller; Patricia Knezek; Mark Hunten, Proc. SPIE 9147, 2014; doi:10.1117/12.2056651

“Recent developments for the Large Binocular Telescope Guiding Control Subsystem”, Golota, T., De La Peña, M. D., Biddick, C., Lesser, M., Leibold, T., Miller, D., Meeks, R., Hahn, T., Storm, J., Sargent, T., Summers, D., Hill, J., Kraus, J., Hooper, S., Fisher, D., SPIE 9152, 2014, doi:10.1117/12.2057244

“The construction, alignment, and installation of the VIRUS spectrograph”, Sarah E. Tuttle, Gary J. Hill, Hanshin Lee, Brian Vattiat, Eva Noyola, Niv Drory, Mark Cornell, Trent Peterson, Taylor Chonis, Richard Allen, Gavin Dalton, Darren DePoy, Doug Edmonston, Maximillian Fabricius, Dionne Haynes, Andreas Kelz, Martin Landriau, Michael Lesser, Bob Leach, Jennifer Marshall, Jeremy Murphy, David Perry, Travis Prochaska, Jason Ramsey, Richard Savage, Proc. SPIE 9147, 2014, doi:10.1117/12.2056503

“Silicon sensor quantum efficiency, reflectance, and calibration”, Michael Lesser, Proc. SPIE 9154, 2014, doi:10.1117/12.2054752

“Charge Coupled Device (CCD) Image Sensors”, in High Performance Silicon Imaging: Fundamentals and Applications of CMOS and CCD Sensors, Daniel Durini, Ed., Cambridge: Woodhead, 2014, DOI : 10.1533/9780857097521.1.78

“Automated Characterization of Scientific CCDs”, Michael Lesser, SDW 2013

“Results and potential of a novel curving process for large area scientific imagers”, Olaf Iwert, David Ouellette, Michael Lesser, and Bernard Delabre, SDW 2013

“A novel CCD for application in high-frame rate geostationary space based Imaging”, Richard Bredthauer, Kasey Boggs, Greg Bredthauer, Earl Aamodt, Hugh Christian, Michael Lesser, Karen Gheno, and Bill Reeve, Proc. SPIE 8453, 2012, doi:10.1117/12.925753

“STA1600LN: low-noise 10560 x 10560 pixel high-resolution CCD for Astronomy”, Richard A. Bredthauer, Gregory R. Bredthauer, Kasey L. Boggs, Michael P. Lesser, Proc. SPIE 8453, 2012

“Recent astronomical detector development at the University of Arizona”, Michael P. Lesser, Proc. SPIE 8453, 2012

“First results from a novel curving process for large area scientific imagers”, Olaf Iwert, David Ouellette, Michael P. Lesser, Bernard Delabre, Proc. SPIE 8453, 2012

“Characterization of orthogonal transfer array CCDs for the WIYN one degree imager” Michael Lesser; David Ouellette; Todd Boroson, Daniel Harbeck, Pierre Martin, George Jacoby, John Cavin, David Sawyer, Kasey Boggs and Richard Bredthauer, Proc. SPIE 8298, 2012

“A 16 Mfps 165kpixel backside-Illuminated CCD”, T. G. Etoh, H. D. Nguyen, S. V. Dao, C. L. Vo, M. Tanaka, K. Takehara, T. Okinaka, H. van Kuijk, W. Klaassens, J. Bosiers, M. Lesser, D. Ouellette, H. Maruyama, T. Hayashida, T. Arai, IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference, p. 406, 2011

“A Backside-Illuminated Image Sensor with 200,000 Pixels Operating at 250,000 Frames per Second”, Vo Le, C.; Etoh, T.G.; Nguyen, H.D.; Dao, V.T.S.; Soya, H.; Lesser, M.; Ouellette, D.; van Kujik, H.; Bosiers, J.; Ingram, G., IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 56, 11, 2556-2562, 2009

“Packaging and characterization of orthogonal transfer array CCDs for the WIYN One Degree Imager”, Michael Lesser, David Ouellette, Grzegorz Zareba, George Jacoby, Gary Muller, David Sawyer, Joe Keyes, Richard Bredthauer, and Kasey Boggs, Proc. SPIE 7249, 72490B, 2009

“Evaluation of a backside-illuminated ISIS”, H. D. Nguyen, C. Vo-Le, V. T. S. Dao, K. Takehara, T. G. Etoh, Y. Kondo, H. Maruno, H. Tominaga, H. Soya, H. van Kuijk, J. Bosiers, W. Klaassens, G. Ingram, S. Singh, and M. Lesser, Proc. SPIE 7126, 712607, 2009

“Characterization of wafer-scale and many-output CCD detectors”, Lesser, Michael and Tucker, Roy, Proc. SPIE 7021, 70211U, 2008

“PEPSI: the Potsdam Echelle Polarimetric and Spectroscopic Instrument for the LBT”,  Strassmeier, K. G., Woche, M., Ilyin, I., Popow, E., Bauer, S.-M., Dionies, F., Fechner, T., Weber, M., Hofmann, A., Storm, J., Materne, R., Bittner, W., Bartus, J., Granzer, T., Denker, C., Carroll, T., Kopf, M., DiVarano, I., Beckert, E., and Lesser, M., Proc. SPIE, 7014, 2008

“Fundamental performance differences between CMOS and CCD imagers: Part II”, Janesick, James; Andrews, James; Tower, John; Grygon, Mark; Elliott, Tom; Cheng, John; Lesser, Michael; Pinter, Jeff, Proc. SPIE 6690, 3, 2007

"Realization and application of a 111 million pixel backside-illuminated detector and camera", Zacharias, N., Dorland, B., Bredthauer, R., Boggs, K., Bredthauer, G., Lesser, M., Proc. SPIE 6690, 8, 2007

“Development of fully depleted scientific CCDs for astronomy”, Boggs, K., Bredthauer, R., Lesser, M., Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6501, 650106, 2007

“Development of hybridized focal plane technologies “,Lesser, Michael; Ouellette, David, Proc. SPIE, Volume 6276, pp. 627603, 2006

“The Current State of Scientific Imagers for Astronomy” , Lesser, M.  Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2005., p.366

“4K X 4K Detectors for Astronomy”, Lesser, Michael, Proc. SPIE, 5499, pp.131-139, 2004

“The orthogonal-transfer array: a new CCD architecture for astronomy”, Burke, Barry E., Tonry, John, Cooper, Michael, Luppino, Gerard, Jacoby, George, Bredthauer, Richard, Boggs, Kasey, Lesser, Michael, Onaka, Peter, Young, Douglas, Doherty, Peter, Craig, David, Proc. SPIE 5499, 2004, pp.185-192

“Very Large Format Back Illuminated CCDs”, Lesser, Michael in Scientific Detectors for Astronomy, Amico, P., Beletic, J. W., and Beletic, J. eds, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, p.137

“Fully Buttable Imagers”, Lesser, M. and Ouellette, D. in Scientific Detectors for Astronomy, Amico, P., Beletic, J. W., and Beletic, J. eds, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, pp. 539-545

“AzCam: A Windows-based CCD/CMOS Client/Server Data Acquisition System”, M. P. Lesser and M. Parthasarathy in Scientific Detectors for Astronomy, Amico, P., Beletic, J. W., and Beletic, J. eds, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004,  pp. 445-448

“CCD Soft-X-Ray Detectors with Improved High- and Low-Energy Performance”, B. E. Burke, J. A. Gregory, A. H. Loomis, M. Lesser, M. W. Bautz, S. E. Kissel, D. D. Rathman, R. M. Osgood, M. J. Cooper, Lind, T. A., and Ricker, G. R., IEEE Transactions of Nuclear Science, 51(5), 2004, p. 2322

“90prime: a prime focus imager for the Steward Observatory 90-in. telescope”, Williams, G. Grant, Olszewski, Ed, Lesser, Michael P., Burge, James H., Proc. SPIE 5492, 2004, pp.787-798

“Overview of the Advanced Camera for Surveys on-orbit performance”, Ford, Holland C.; Clampin, Mark; Hartig, George F.; Illingworth, Garth D.; Sirianni, Marco; Martel, Andre R.; Meurer, Gerhardt R.; McCann, William J.; Sullivan, Pamela C.; Bartko, Frank; Benitez, Narcisco; Blakeslee, John; Bouwens, Rychard; Broadhurst, Tom; Brown, Robert A.; Burrows, Christopher J.; Campbell, Douglas; Cheng, Edward S.; Feldman, Paul D.; Franx, Marijn; Golimowski, David A.; Gronwall, Caryl; Kimble, Randy A.; Krist, John E.; Lesser, Michael P.; Magee, Dan; Miley, George; Postman, Marc; Rafal, Marc D.; Rosati, Piero; Sparks, William B.; Tran, Hien D.; Tsvetanov, Zlatan I.; Volmer, Paul; White, Richard L.; Woodruff, Robert A. , Proc. SPIE, 4854, 2003, pp. 81-94

“Very Large Format Back Illuminated CCDs”, Michael Lesser, Experimental Astronomy, 2002, 14(2), 77

“The LSST Instrument Concept”, Starr, Barry M., Claver, Charles F., Wolff, Sidney, Tyson, J. Anthony, Lesser, Michael P., Daggert, Larry G., Dominguez, Ruben, Gomez, R. Richard, Jr., Muller, Gary P., Proc. SPIE 4836, 2002,  pp. 228-239

“Focal Plane Technologies for LSST”, Lesser, Michael P., Tyson, J. Anthony, Proc. SPIE 4836, 2002, pp. 240-246

“CMOS Active Pixel Sensor (APS) Imager for Scientific Applications”, Suat U. AY, Michael Lesser, Eric R. Fossum, Proc. SPIE 4836, 2002, pp. 271-278

“Flight CCD Detectors for the Advanced Camera for Surveys”, M. Sirianni et al, Proc. SPIE 4669, 2002, 202

“Processing of Back-Illuminated 4096x4096 Fairchild CCDs at the University of Arizona”, M. P. Lesser and P. Vu,  Proc. SPIE 4306, 2001, p.196

“Advanced Camera for Surveys”, M. Clampin et al, Proc. SPIE 4013, 2000, p. 344

“CCD Detectors for the Advanced Camera for Surveys”, M. Sirianni et al, Proc. SPIE 4008, 2000, p. 669

“CCD backside coatings optimized for 200-300 nm observations”, Lesser, M., Proc. SPIE 4139, 2000, p. 8

“Development of a Back Illuminated 4096x4096 15-micron Pixel Scientific CCD”, Lesser, Michael and Bredthauer, Richard, in Further Developments in Scientific Optical Engineering, Proc. of the International Conference on Scientific Imaging, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2000, p. 111

“Design for an 8 m Telescope to Image a 3 Degree Field at f/1.25 – the Dark Matter Telescope”, Angel, R., Lesser, M., Sarlot, R., and Dunham, E., in Imaging the Universe in Three Dimensions, Proc. ASP Conference vol. 195, eds. W. Breugel and J. Bland-Hawthorn, 2000, p. 81

“Construction and Testing of the Wavefront Sensor Camera for the new MMT Adaptive Optics System”, McGuire, P. C. et al., Proc. SPIE 3762, 1999, p. 269

“Advanced Camera for the Hubble Space Telescope”, Ford, H. C. et. al., Proc. SPIE 3356, 1998, 234

“CCD Detectors for the Advanced Camera for Surveys”, Clampin, M. et. al., Proc. SPIE 3356, 1998, 332

“Long Wavelength Scattered-Light Halos in ACS CCDs”, Sirianni, M. et al., Proc. SPIE 3355, 1998, 608

“Enhancing Back Illuminated Performance of Astronomical CCDs”, Lesser, M. P. and Iyer, V., Proc. SPIE 3355, 1998, 23

“Packaging and Operation of Philips 7kx9k CCDs”, Michael Lesser, M., Ouellette, D., J. Theuwissen, A. J. P., Kreider, G. L., Michaelis, H., IEEE Workshop on CCDs and Advanced Image Sensors, 1997, R33

“The Advanced Camera for the Hubble Space Telescope”, Ford et al., Proc. SPIE 2807, 184, (1996)

Cameras and Systems, Anagnostopoulos, C. N. and Lesser, M. P., editors, Proc SPIE 2654b (1996)

“Quantum Efficiency Characterization of Back Illuminated CCDs”, Lesser, M. P. and McCarthy, B. L., Proc. SPIE 2654b, 278, (1996)

“Back Illuminated CCD Processing at Steward Observatory”, Lesser, M. P., in Recent Developments in Scientific Optical Imaging, M. B. Denton, R. E. Fields, and Q. S. Hanley, eds., Royal Society of Chemistry, 62, (1996)

“Back Illuminated CCD Mosaics”, Lesser, M. P. and Ouellette, D. B., Proc. SPIE 2415, 182 (1995)

Cameras and Systems for Electronic Photography and Scientific Imaging, Anagnostopoulos, C. N. and Lesser, M. P., editors, Proc SPIE 2416 (1995)

"Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera Conceptual Design", Seery, B. D., Krebs, C. A., Smith, A. M., Heap, S., Bolton, J. F., Brown, R. A., Clampin, M., and Lesser, M. P., Proc. SPIE 2198, 1298 (1994)

"Delta-Doped CCDs: High QE with Long Term Stability at UV and Visible Wavelengths", Nikzad, S., Hoenk, M. E., Terhune, R. W., Grunthaner, P. J., Winzenread, R., Fattahi, M. M. and Lesser, M. P., Proc. SPIE 2198, 907 (1994)

"Development of a 8192 x 8192 CCD Mosaic Imager", Boroson, T., Reed, R., Lesser, M. P., Proc. SPIE 2198, 877 (1994)

"Improving CCD Quantum Efficiency", Lesser, M. P., Proc. SPIE 2198, 782 (1994)

“A Thinned 4096x4096 CCD Mosaic”, Damento, M. A., Lo, S., Meyer, H. J., Doherty, P. E., Sims, G. R., and Lesser, M. P., Proc. SPIE 2172, 175 (1994)

“A Advanced Camera for the Hubble Space Telescope”,  Miley G. K., Macchetto F., Brown R., Deharveng J. M., Fosbury R., Kudritzki R., Paresce F., Cordova F. A., Crocker J., Illingworth J. H. G., Lesser M.,  in Frontiers of Space and Ground-Based Astronomy: The Astrophysics of the 21st century, Dordrecht, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, eds. W. Wamsteker, Malcolm. S. Longair, and Y. Kondo, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, 187, 509,  1994

"Backside Coatings for Back Illuminated CCDs", Lesser, M. P., Proc. SPIE 1900, 219 (1993)

“The Future of Space Imaging”, Report of a Community-Based Study of an Advanced Camera for the Hubble Space Telescope, Edited by Robert A. Brown, Space Telescope Science Institute (1993)

"Indium Tin Oxide Biased-Gate Technology", Robinson, L. B., Brown, W. E., Wei, M., Schaeffer, A. R., Bertling, P. P., and Lesser, M. P., Proc. SPIE 1656,  517 (1992)

"Bump Bonded Back Illuminated CCDs", Lesser, M. P., Bauer, A., Ulrickson, L., and  Ouellette, D., Proc. SPIE 1656, 508 (1992)

"Back Illuminated Large Format Loral CCDs", Lesser, M. P. 1991, Proc. SPIE 1447, 177 (1991)

"Array Detectors in Astronomy", Lesser, M. P. 1991, Proc. SPIE 1439 (International Conference on Scientific Imaging), 144 (1991)

“Report of the ultraviolet and visible sensors panel”,  Timothy J. G., Blouke M., Bredthauer R., Kimble R., Lee T.-H., Lesser M., Siegmund O., Weckler G.,  in Workshop Proceedings: Sensor Systems for Space Astrophysics in the 21st Century, 2, 27, 1991

"Evaporative Coating Systems for Very Large Astronomical Mirrors", Sabol, B. A., Atwood, B., Hill, J. M., Williams, J. T., Lesser, M. P.,Byard, P. L., Davison, W. B., Proc. SPIE 1236, 940 (1990)

"Recent Charge-Coupled Device Optimization Results at Steward Observatory",Lesser, M. P., Proc. SPIE 1235, 236 (1990)

"CCD Thinning, Coating, and Mounting Research for Astronomy",Lesser, M. P., in CCD's in Astronomy, G. Jacoby, ed., BookCrafters, Provo, 65 (1990)

"Silicon CCDs Optimized for Near-Infrared Wavelengths", Sims, G. R., Griffin, F., and Lesser, M. P., Proc. SPIE 1161, 55 (1989)

"CCD Chemical/Mechanical Thinning Results", Lesser, M. P., Proc. SPIE 1161, 96 (1989)

"Optimizing CCDs for Red and Near Infrared Observations", Lesser, M. P., Olszewski, E., Sims, G. R., and Griffin, F.,  Proc. SPIE 1071, 58 (1989)

"Improvements in CCD Quantum Efficiency in the UV and Near-IR",Sims, G. R., Griffin, F., and Lesser, M. P., Proc. SPIE 1071, 31 (1989)

"Peculiar Velocities of cD Galaxies: MX Spectroscopy of Abell 1795", Hill, J.M., Hintzen, P., Oegerle, W.R., Lesser, M.P., Eisenhamer, J.D., and Batuski, D.J.,  Ap. J. Letters 332, L23 (1989)

"Operational Results of the MX Spectrometer", Hill, J.M. and Lesser, M.P., in Instrumentation for  Ground-Based Astronomical Optical Astronomy,L. Robinson, ed., Springer-Verlag, New York, 233 (1988)

"Antireflection coatings for Silicon CCDs", Lesser, M.P., Optical Engineering 26, 911, (1987)

"Improving the Blue and UV Response of Silicon CCD Detectors", Leach, R.W. and Lesser, M.P., Pub. A.S.P. 99, 668 (1987)

"Deployment of the MX Spectrometer", Hill, J.M. and Lesser, M.P., Proc. SPIE 627, 303, (1986)

"Thinning and Mounting a TI 3-phase CCD", Lesser, M.P., Leach, R.W., and Angel, J.R.P., Proc. SPIE 627, 517, (1986)